Press Release
BELUNA, the Bread Massaging Instrument of CGBIO, attained the Certification of Medical Instrument… Propagation of the ‘Solution for Natural Breast’ is expectedly promoted…
Based on the Principle of ‘Negative Pressure Wound Therapy’ for inducing Microvascular Generation and Morphological Modification of Organs
Targeting the Market of Mammaplasty by exploiting the ‘Solution for Natural Breast’ for facilitating the Effect of Safe and Healthy Fat Grafting


CGBIO Co., Ltd. (President Yu Hyun-seung), the exclusive company of regenerative medicine, announced on January 5 that one of BELUNA series, the product of its breast massaging instrument for breast care for healthy women, acquired the Certification of Medical Instrument from Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Official brand name of the certified product is ‘BELUNA MD’.

BELUNA has been developed based on the principle of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). By continuously applying a negative pressure to tissues, it could promote a slow morphological modification of organs, induce microvascular generation by congregation of blood flow, and create nutritional feeding channel necessary for cellular proliferation and differentiation.

The ‘dome’ of BELUNA is an embodiment of the structure of patented three-dimensional airless tire that secures comfortable and long wearing to varied body forms with less pain. The exclusive application for BELUNA enables users to take special breast care. The new version of BELUNA without the use of exclusive application software will be released into the market soon for users uncomfortable or unfamiliar with the application program.

CGBIO states that attainment of the certification of BELUNA will be its starting point to secure the foundation of technological competence and safety of BELUNA and to make inroads into the domestic market of mammaplasty via its ‘Solution for Natural Breast’, thus enabling safe and healthy expansion of breast.

‘Solution for Natural Breast’ signifies the means of natural and healthy expansion of breast by taking breast care of BELUNA before and after breast enlargement surgery using an autograft of fat.

The key to the raising effect of an autograft of fat is the co-transplantation of ‘Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF)’, the cell cluster containing stem cells extracted from adipose tissue, and the increase in the grafting rate of adipose cells in breast organ, for which the BELUNA is exploited before taking surgery to secure sufficient space for the rooting of adipose cells.

Park Jin-gam, the head of Aesthetic PM Department of CGBIO, stated, “… the acquisition of certification of medical instrument imprinted BELUNA in minds of consumers and medical staffs to be more trustworthy as an exclusive and official breast massaging instrument for women based on safety and technological competence…”.

He added, “… BELUNA and its safe and healthy ‘solution for natural breast’ can be broadly employed for women not only intend to improve efficacy of breast expansion through fat grafting, but also intend to get the temporary expansion of breast without mammaplasty, or to recover resilient breast lost due to reasons such as childbirth and breast feeding, or to improve tactile sensation after prosthetic surgeries….”.